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10. Norwegian Forest Cat
The cost of this breed is around $600. However, depending on the quality and beauty of the cat that you intend to get, it may be more expensive.
9. Egyptian Mau
The second most costly cat breed on our list is the Egyptian Mau. It is a small to medium-sized cat with distinctive natural markings. The Bahraini Dilmun Cat is another breed with similar trait. The Egyptian Mau's markings are distinct in that they only emerge on the tip of the coat. The Egyptian Mau debuted in 1952.
The Egyptian Mau is said to have originated in Egypt. On the other hand, DNA shows otherwise. Genetic research revealed that it was of North American and European heritage. The Egyptian Mau is also thought to be one of the ancestors of the contemporary domestic cat. The Egyptian Mau's physical traits are markedly different from those of other cats. The shorter front legs are one of the most visible differences.
How do you recognize the Egyptian Mau? From the head to the tail of the spine, it bears a long, black dorsal stripe. In terms of disposition, the Egyptian Mau is kind and loyal, making it ideal for families with children.
8. British Shorthair
It is one of the oldest cat breeds known, most likely descended from European domestic cats brought to Britain by invading Romans in the first century AD. According to the UK's Governing Council of the Cat Fancy, it is still the most popular pedigreed breed in its own nation today (GCCF).
7. Scottish Fold
The Scottish fold is a breed renowned for its deformed cartilage that causes its ear to "fold." Its look has been characterised as "owl-like." Before the 1960s, the Scottish Fold was known as Lops or Lop-Eared. It wasn't until 1966 that the term Scottish Fold was adopted.
The original Scottish Fold was a white farm cat with an ear mutation. It was recognised as a new breed after its kittens were born with the same folded ears. If you want to buy a Scottish Fold, bear in mind that this breed is prone to a variety of ailments, including mites and deafness. This is also why the Scottish Fold has been crossed with other well-known cat breeds including the British and American Shorthair. The Scottish Fold is a domestic cat breed that has a natural dominant-gene mutation that affects cartilage throughout the body and causes the ears to "fold," folding forward and down towards the front of the cat's head., giving the cat a "owl-like" look Scottish Fold received the breed name in 1966, after being known as lop-eared or lops after the lop-eared rabbit. Longhaired Scottish Folds are variously known as Highland Fold, Scottish Fold Longhair, Longhair Fold, and Coupari, depending on registries.
5. Russian Blue
Another breed that reached the list of most expensive cat breeds is the Russian Blue. Even at $3000, this breed is something you desire if you like a cat with lovely hair and a tight relationship with people. It is distinguished by its slate grey thick coat. It has been known for almost a century.
This cat was born in Arkhangelsk, Russia, as the name says. These cats are also called Archangel BluesThe cat is said to have been transported from the Archangel Isles and Northern Europe in the 1860s. During the Second World War, breeders produced this specific breed throughout the years. There were a scarcity of Russian Blue cats at the time. This prompted breeders to cross-breed with Siamese. This cat has the potential to bore you. It has a lifetime of 10 to 20 years. In some cases, these cats survived for up to 25 years.
4. Peterbald
If you have thousands of dollars to spare, you may get Peterbald, another most costly cat. It is thought to have originated in Russia and resembles Oriental Shorthairs. There are many sorts of Peterbald cats that you are likely to meet. Some have a straight coat, while others are born bald. The presence of a hair-loss gene is one of the most identifying features of Peterbald cats.
3. Allerca Hypoallergenic Cat
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Allerca Hypoallergenic Cat |
2. Bengal
The Bengal cat was created entirely by chance. The Asian Leopard Cats were crossed with domestic cats primarily to investigate the breed's apparent immunity to feline leukaemia.
1. Ashera
Ashera is the world’s most exotic domestic cat. It, like the Bengal cat, was bred from Asian Leopard cats. This costly cat costs up to $100,000 due of its contrast markings and leopard-like look. These cats are believed to be nice with youngsters and may be taken out and walked on a leash. However, because the cat is from a warmer area, it is a good idea to put the cat with a heated blanked during the winter months.
Cats make perfect pets. Those looking to purchase unusual cat breeds, on the other hand, may have to spend more money than normal. Because some of these cats were bred from wild cats, they may or may not have the ideal disposition.